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Sliding Wardrobe Interior Design Tool – Alume (Relax)

Read about the range…

Alume (also known as Relax) was designed & patented (by our designers) in 2001 as a cost effective version of some expensive Italian systems that have been produced since the 70s.  It has been sold throughout Europe since then.  Like Aura, its is a stanchion (post) system, but the posts are produced from extruded aluminum.

There are no holes in the sides, producing a cleaner look, well suited to walk in wardrobes.  Accessories clamp to the sides of the stanchion via patented system.  Alume/Relax is now produced under the SpacePro™ brand name.

  • Available in Grey Textile Linen MFC and White MFC (apologies, Walnut has been discontinued, please add a note during checkout stating if you would like White MFC)
  • All metal components in aluminium/silver
  • Easy to install and adjust to suit your changing storage needs

Sliding Wardrobe Interior


Select an Item

Touch an item above, then touch the wall below to add the door.

To build your wardrobe:

  1. Click or Touch a component above to select it
  2. Click or Touch in the room on the right to place it

To move or delete components:

  1. Click or Touch a component in the room to select it
  2. Use the move Left/Right/Delete buttons

Max/Min width: This takes into account the components that can be cut down by you on site.

Left Right Remove

Touch a door above to move or remove it.

Total Width = 0 mm     Total Price = £0.00

Some items can be cut to size for a minimum total width of mm

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